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What is Stem Cell Therapy and how will it help my pet?

We are proud to have worked with Vet-Stem to provide stem cell therapy for pets suffering from osteoarthritis, partial tears of of tendons or ligaments, polyarthritis, cartilage damage and fractures. While most research has focused on dogs, cats have similarly benefited from treatment

This treatment involves a minor surgical procedure to collect fat cells from your pet, they are then sent to Vet-Stem to be cultured to maximize the number of stem cells collected, and once returned they are injected back into your pet with another minor surgical procedure.

What Results Have Dog Owners Reported?
• Greater than 80% of dogs with arthritis have improved Quality of Life
• Here are outcome survey results for Older Dogs
• Here are outcome survey results for Younger Dogs
• Here are outcome survey results for Dogs on Pain Medication

Stem Cell Therapy in Development
Vet-Stem is currently evaluating the use of stem cells for treatment of:
• Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
• Kidney disease – cats
• Liver disease
• Immune mediated diseases
• Heart diseases

Vet-Stem believes there are certain applications where stem cells may not be appropriate.
These include:
• Cancer
• Systemic infection

It is important to note that while stem cell therapy is effective for many pets, approximately 25% of dogs treated for arthritis had no improvement at all.  We want every pet to feel an improvement, and at this point what we know is that pets who also have a nuerological disorder, spinal cord injuries, nerve damage, paralysis, poorly controlled diabetes or any organ disease (heart, liver, kidney, etc.) have reduced success rates from stem cell therapy.  Ask you veterinarian if your pet is a good candidate for this procedure.